(Blazer – Linda Mode (It’s a little local store in my town. Haha, 'Linda' is my name, and ‘Mode’ is the Dutch word for Fashion) Denimshirt – C&A, Silk Shawl – Borrowed without permission from my mom, Black jeans – H&M, Black booties – New Look, Robot Necklace – Got from a friend (Swizzleswift.blogspot.com) Bijou Brigitte.)
Moxi-Moxi is Surinamese for ‘Mixed'. I think this outfit was kind of a mix of different styles. The pastel soft pink blazer was girly, the denim shirt was more tomboy, the gold necklace was ‘glamour’ and the silk shawl had some Oriental characteristics. I wore this outfit with my new black booties (
previous post). :D
Moxi-Moxi is Surinaams voor ‘gemixed’. Deze outfit was volgens mij een mix van verschillende stijlen. Het pastel lichtroze jasje was girly, het denim shirt was meer tomboy, de gouden ketting was ‘glamour’ en de zijden sjaal had wel iets Oosters. Ik droeg deze outfit met mijn nieuwe zwarte veterlaarsjes (
vorige post). :D
I also liked to make a bandana out of my shawl, with a little bow on top.

Ik vond het ook leuk om een bandana van mijn sjaal te maken, met een klein strikje boven.
Oh, and by the way, these -->
Are two the same pictures of me, but I edited with Picnik, which is closing soon :(
But the differences are big, right? Kind of a scary picture thought...
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Linda Ruan