I'm so in love with these looks, some of you may have seen them already, but they're just so cute that I just MUST share them! I want every item haha :) For those who don't know: TRF is not the same as Zara Women, TRF is for younger women/girls.
[Nothing of the following photos belong to me, all credits are for ZARA]
I'm trying to save some money so I did some vintage (or second-hand, depends on how you like to call it) shopping today. I found a tweed jacket (I don't know which brand, for only 7,50 euro), a denim jacket (Denim by Vero Moda, for 9 euro) and a silk blouse (Street One for 7 euro). I think that the original pieces were about 7 times as expensive. I also saw some high-fashion brands like Dolce&Gabbana, Gucci and Tommy Hilfiger for about the same price, but the sizes were too big and some of them were very damaged or smelled very strange.
Ik probeer wat geld te sparen dus ik ging vintage winkelen (of tweedehands, ligt eraan hoe je het wilt noemen). Ik heb een tweed jasje gevonden (Ik weet niet welk merk, voor maar 7,50 euro), een spijkerjasje (Denim by Vero Moda, voor 9 euro) en een zijde blouse (Street One voor 7 euro). Ik denk dat ze orgineel ongeveer 7 keer zo duur waren. Ik zag ook wat high-fashion merken als Dolce&Gabbana, Gucci en Tommy Hilfiger voor ongeveer dezelfde prijs, maar de maten waren te groot, en sommige kleren waren te beschadigd of ruikten heel raar.
So, you see me posting about my own style and my [a bit boring] outfits all day. But I'd like to get more serious now.
I want to talk about the courage to wear something that's really your style, but a bit weird in general. For example, I had a blue fake fur jacket and a pair of glittery/metallic pants which really stand out. But I've never worn them, so I threw them away. While I actually really liked them! The fake fur on the jacket didn't look like real fur (because I don't really like fur), but it looked like a soft warm fuzzy jacket, and it wasn't that big (no offence, but I feel that big fake fur jacket make people a bit arrogant). The glitter pants didn't look 'slutty' (sorry, I hate that word but I couldn't find another one), but kind of chic.
But I never had the courage to wear them, because I was afraid people would judge me. But I just really want to say: Don't be afraid of that! Now, I wish I didn't throw them away, so I could show the world that I'm proud of my style and I don't care what other people think of it.
For example, do you really think that the most influencing designers of this moment became this big just because they followed the crowd? No. They created their own style, and wore it. For example, Marc Jacob confessed that he had been called a clown, and people always made fun of him. But he didn't change his style, he just didn't care and became one of the best designers in the world.
So what I want to say is: Don't be afraid what other people think of you. If you just follow the crowd, you will never stand out in whatever you do. Dare to be yourself, wear your own style and don't care about the people who critisize you, because eventually you will go far, and they won't, and they will just be some jealous losers at the end.
(Blazer - Amelie&Amelie - Milano, Blouse - Bershka, Dark Skinnies - H&M, Wedges - New Look, Necklace - Bijou Brigitte)
One of the biggest trends this moment is white with some gold details. I think white really stands for innocence and peace. I actually saw a pair of beautiful gold skinny jeans (Rumi Neely has them too) on sale for only 10 euro at ZARA (first it was 50). I thought is was perfect for this outfit, but they don't really go with my shoes, so I didn't buy them.
Okay, I know that the title sounds a bit weird, but I adore my red bow from Clair's, which I wear pretty often. I has become kind of a trading mark for me, I guess.
So yeah, that's the next thing I wanted to discuss: trading marks! I love a trading mark, because it really stands for who you are. One of my friends has for example, the peace symbol as trading mark. (Well, I don't know if she considers it as a trading mark, but I do :).
This is just a fun sweater, that I wear when it's cold outside, when I'm in the mood for weirdness (I mean, look at the giant head! It's abnormal!) or just for casual days. But to explain the title... When I first red 'Miu Miu', I immediately thought of a cat. (:
Theses are some photos of people at the New York and Sao Paulo Fashionweek for fall 2012 that caught my attention. Comparing to them, I feel that my style is very boring.. :( But enjoy! :)
Well actually, I'm going to transform it in a strapless top, because my blouse wasn't very long. But when you use a blouse from your brother/father/boyfriend, it can be a minidress.
So, I recently (okay, well, actually is has been three months ago) bought a pair of leather pants. Some people love them, some people hate them, but they are getting popular these seasons. So I introduce.. 6 ways to wear LP! (LP stands for Leather Pants). Mine is from DEPT.
Way numero uno:
A soft feminine look (Shirt - New Yorker, Blazer - Lindamode)
(Blazer – Linda Mode (It’s a little local store in my town. Haha, 'Linda' is my name, and ‘Mode’ is the Dutch word for Fashion) Denimshirt – C&A, Silk Shawl – Borrowed without permission from my mom, Black jeans – H&M, Black booties – New Look, Robot Necklace – Got from a friend (Swizzleswift.blogspot.com) Bijou Brigitte.)
(Trenchcoat - Polo by Ralph Lauren, Victorian Blouse - Milenium (Yoshe), Black Tank - ZARA, Faux Leather Pants - DEPT, Black Belt)
I really recommend you to go outside and take photos of the snow scenery. First of all, you'll come home with great photos. But maybe even more important, the snow dares you to be creative with your camera. For example, I didn't understand a lot of things on my camera till today.
Ik beveel je echt aan om net als ik naar buiten te gaan en foto's te nemen van het sneeuw landschap. Natuurlijk krijg je mooie foto's, maar misschien nog belangrijker, de sneeuw daagt je uit om creatief te zijn met je camera. Ik snapte bijvoorbeeld veel dingen niet op mijn camera, tot vandaag.
I'm that girl who has tons of clothes and outfits for the summer, but almost nothing for winter. So I'm about to give you some tips for reusing your summer clothes for winter.
Ik ben zo'n meisje wie heel veel kleding en outfits heeft voor de zomer, maar bijna niets voor de winter. Dus ik ga je wat tips geven hoe je je zomerkleding kunt gebruiken voor de winter.
1. Layering
Layering is the most important thing you need to do in winter. So it's very important to buy a lot of coats, jackets, blazers and cardigans. You must keep in your mind to first put the lighter clothes on, and then go for heavier layers. I like to put a belt between the second-last and the last layers, to look more slim in overall.
1. Laagjes Laagjes dragen is het belangrijkste wat je moet doen in de winter. Dus het is belangrijk om heel veel jasjes, blazers and vesten te kopen. Je moet wel als eerst de lichtere stoffen aandoen en dan pas de zwaardere lagen. Ik doe meestal een riem tussen de een-na-laatste en de laatste laag, om dunner te lijken in het totaalplaatje.